New Art on SolanaNew Art on SolanaNew Art on SolanaNew Art on SolanaNew Art on Solana
New Art on SolanaNew Art on SolanaNew Art on SolanaNew Art on SolanaNew Art on Solana
New Art on SolanaNew Art on SolanaNew Art on SolanaNew Art on SolanaNew Art on SolanaNew Art on Solana

We love NFTs precisely because NFTs embody the gay sublime: that which exists beyond representation, yet demands to be represented.

With an art-first interface that lets work breathe and artist-friendly terms, is a launchpad for net new art on Solana. A rebuttal to instagram clones and five-cent trash, and free of the constraints of the VC funded incumbents.

Collecting is open to all, but creation is currently curated. If you’d like to create a collection on the platform, please DM us.

NFTS.GAY uses a portion of all revenue to collect work in its culture fund - paying tribute to the creative work that exists on Solana.
